Outcome Data
LifeWorks has a commitment to objectively measuring its success and strategically positioning our programs for the future. We use longitudinal data from student academic growth for student outcome data evaluation to help guide school planning, the instructional leadership team, and the professional learning communities in their work.
Stakeholder surveys are completed twice a school year to collect views of students, parents, teachers and supporting staff regarding school performance in various aspects. Through the analysis of survey results and outcome data, our schools review the current state of performance, which in turn enhances the school self-evaluation. We are proud to share the following satisfaction survey information and outcome data:
Staff Outcomes
The school provides an environment that expects academic excellence
4.0 / 5
Teachers keep parents informed about student progress
4.43 / 5
The school environment is safe
4.06 / 5
The faculty and staff respect all races and cultures
4.63 / 5
Teachers help each other and work together
4.71 / 5
Faculty and staff value what students have to say
4.71 / 5
Parent Outcomes
Over the past 12 months, LifeWorks parents/guardians have responded with an over 95% approval rating in the following categories:
I feel the academic staff truly cares about my child
Overall, I am satisfied with the facility’s education program
Student Outcomes
Over the past 12 months, students have reported the following:
The staff at the school listens to me and does their best to help me with my academics
The coursework, learning activities and materials are relevant and interesting
Reach Out To Us Today
Our admissions staff is available Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. to schedule a tour or Intake. For questions about our programs call 215-489-3028 or use our online contact form.