We are dedicated to providing a continuum of research based educational and behavioral health services to serve the unique needs of our students. Our programs and services are designed to assist our students as they develop skills for a brighter future.
Through the combined efforts of academic instruction and counseling support services, students can improve academic success, develop positive coping and leadership skills, gain positive socialization and interpersonal skills and reduce mental health symptoms.
LifeWorks students have a wide range of learning and emotional barriers that have impacted their ability to access education throughout their lives. The LifeWorks team offers tailored academic programming and intensive therapeutic supports in a trauma informed environment that inspires academic success and personal growth.
Reach Out To Us Today
Our admissions staff is available Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. to schedule a tour or Intake. For questions about our programs call 215-489-3028 or use our online contact form.