Diagnostic Program
The purpose of the LifeWorks Diagnostic Program is during the 60 day progression to engage identified students in a highly malleable learning environment to assess their responsiveness to innovative, specially-designed instruction models. Identified students enter the program with suspected and/or documented disabilities in their current educational settings, and may be struggling to meet their educational goals as a result, despite the efforts of their respective child study team (CST), student assistance program (SAP) and/or individualized education plan (IEP) teams. These educational difficulties may include deficits in the following areas:
- Academic
- Communication
- Developmental-behavioral
- Social/emotional
Specialized evidence-based methodologies such as direct instruction, language development based curriculum, applied behavior analysis and multi-sensory approaches may be utilized. Through the use of individualized assessment, goal development, data collection/analysis, and progress monitoring, the student’s strengths and weaknesses are identified within the specialized curriculum. The aim is to outline an effective educational program within the least restrictive environment that can be transferred into the appropriate school setting within the district whenever possible.
Our diagnostic programming for students struggling meet their IEP and/or general education goals provides the combination of psychoeducational testing with a prescriptive program of educational remediation for school age children. The diagnostic program conducts diagnostic studies to assess current functioning levels of students, identify strengths and weaknesses in learning, assess personality and social factors which affect learning and personal adjustment and categorize students for whom special services supports are needed. While students are enrolled in the program, they simultaneously receive instruction within relevant content areas consistent with their prior educational programming.
LifeWorks Diagnostic Program utilizes Pennsylvania and/or nationally certified (NASP) school psychologists as educational testing specialists, responsible for administering and overseeing specialized reading and psychoeducational testing leading to recommendations for potential remediation and/or supports for students.
- To provide innovative, evidence-based instructional strategies designed to promote gains in academic achievement and/or behavior/social/emotional growth related to educational success.
- To establish methods of ongoing progress monitoring with data collection and analysis to be transferred to educators working with the student post-discharge from the program.
- To track student growth and identify supports necessary to participate within the least restrictive environment.
- To provide expert consultation, collaboration, and training as needed to education staff on instructional strategies, behavioral interventions, program modifications, and specially designed instruction to promote successful participation within the least restrictive environment.
Reach Out To Us Today
Our admissions staff is available Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. to schedule a tour or Intake. For questions about our programs call 215-489-3028 or use our online contact form.